
Aeroflot (630 pictures & videos)

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Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)

Russian Federation (GOJ) to Russian Federation (SVO), 12 May 2024

Economy Class

Snack , Special meal: no
+ branded refreshing napkin.

Water with or without gas.

That's actually all the "meals"... But there is a choice: water with gas or without gas! =) There was no chocolate in the standard ration, of course... This stewardess gave to make amends)) After my displeased grumbling that there was garbage on the seat)) For a distance of 417 km, and with a flight time of 1 h 06 min (a little longer than usual), this may be normal, but I will never put more than 1 point just for water, unless it is a low-cost airline! When flying in that direction, there was only a glass of water without a chocolate bar. Therefore, I do not consider it necessary to publish it again, everything is exactly the same!

Date added: 2024-07-15   //   Flight #SU 1229   //   Flight: 1:0   //   Aircraft: A-320-214 RA-73774 (ex-VP-BLO) "Ilya Repin", 8 (C)+ 150 (Y)   //   Ticket price: 6248.00

Equipment: Everything is very modest... There was trash on the seats! But they gave me a chocolate bar as compensation when I complained about it =)

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