Aeroflot (627 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (SVO), 25 Jul 2016
Economy Class
Breakfast , Special meal: no
Hot from three dishes to choose: 1) Omelette with sausage and milk gravy (see photo). 2) Porridge 3) Pancakes. Cold snack: a few pieces of cheese, meat and chicken breast. Pickled cucumbers cut into slices, tomato. Yogurt "Ehrmann", bun, butter "Mila." 10 g. Dessert: bread rolls with jam, cherry jam packing 10 g. + sugar packets, salt, pepper and napkin refreshing brand of Aeroflot.
Soft drinks: Juices (Apple, orange, tomato), Coca-Cola, Sprite, drinking water with gas or without gas. Hot drinks: Tea, coffee. Lemon or cream as desired.
Food catering company Aeromar. Loaded aboard in Moscow, Sheremetyevo airport. All very tasty and satisfying.
Date added: 2016-08-17 // Flight #SU 1481 // Flight: 4:20 // Aircraft: A-321-211 VQ-BHM "N. Vavilov" // Ticket price: 19000.00