Aeroflot (627 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (SVO), 26 Jun 2017
Economy Class
Breakfast , Special meal: no
Soft drinks: juices (Apple, tomato, orange), Coca-Cola, sprite, drinking water with gas and without gas. Hot drinks: Tea, coffee. Milk and lemon as desired.
The food is hearty. The service is disgusting. Due to turbulence the Breakfast lasted for a few hours. Many times suspended and resumed service. Hot drinks brought when we were already far beyond the Urals. The scrambled eggs tasteless. Yogurt is so-so. Rather for saturation and not for taste. Refreshments offered 2 times.
Date added: 2017-07-14 // Flight #SU 1481 // Flight: 4:40 // Aircraft: A-321-211 VQ-BEG "K. Tsiolkovsky" // Ticket price: 16500.00
Equipment: Service was not pleasant. Reusable branded kitchenware Aeroflot.