Aeroflot (630 pictures & videos)

Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (SVO), 10 Oct 2021
Economy Class
Lunch , Special meal: KSML
Hot meal: stewed beef with potatoes and vegetables
Cold appetizer: jar of classic hummus, jar of matbukhi, jar with smack of poultry meat (4 pieces of chicken and turkey ham), wheat bun "mezonot".
Dessert: jelly, carved marmalade with cherry and apple flavor; ground currant with sugar (jam)
+ serving bags with sugar, pepper, salt. Double set of plastic cutlery.
At the same time, Aeroflot's standard meals from the Aeromar catering company included:
2-course hot meal to choose from: 1) Beef with mashed potatoes 2) Chicken with rice
Cold appetizer: corn salad and crab sticks, a bun, a piece of rye bread, butter.
Soft drinks: juices "Gardens of the Don region" (orange, tomato, apple), berry juice, Coca-Cola, sprite, drinking water with and without gas. Hot drinks: tea/coffee, with lemon or cream optional.
Kosher lunch (KSML) produced for Aeroflot by the kosher restaurant "Pinhas" (Moscow). After the last time I didn't like Aeromar lamb with couscous very much, I decided to order my favorite kosher from pinchas. The kosher was simply delicious! And I ate, and everything is very tasty! Very tasty and hearty hot with beef and potatoes. The portion is plentiful and everything is very tasty cooked! Matbukha, poultry appetizer, bun and currant jam with marmalade were also excellent. The only thing is, I took a jar of hummus with me and gave it to my relatives, since I don't like hummus by itself...But everything else, except hummus, suited me just fine. I did not regret that I took kosher, especially comparing it with the goya food on this flight. As for drinks, everything is complicated here... They have recently changed the technological distribution scheme, and now they give both food and soft and hot drinks at a time.... On the one hand, it is convenient in the sense that you do not eat now in dry water. On the other hand, it is clear that for 1 delivery you will still take fewer drinks than individually. Which is bad, of course. And also, considering the small tables and trays of Aeroflot, then all these glasses do not fit well on one table in parallel with the tray and food. The Singaporeans I love don't have such a problem, because there are half a dozen cups on their wide table and tray in addition to food, without any problems. It would be problematic to put one right there, especially considering the size of the kosher box. In the end, it's just not safe, it's good if you spill cold drinks on yourself and your neighbors , it's worse if tea or coffee. At the same time, they delivered everything only once, without repetition... Singaporeans, again, for example, also offered food, alcohol, soft and hot drinks for the first delivery. But then after that they rolled the cart several more times and poured everything for everyone, even if the flight was 2 hours. Therefore, I did not take drinks here during the distribution, having eaten calmly, and after lunch I called the stewardess and asked for my soft drinks and coffee separately... So the idea seems to be good at first glance, if you do not go into the nuances and practical experience. In this form, I do not like the new technological distribution scheme in Aeroflot at all... Although it works fine for Singaporeans and Turkish.
Date added: 2022-12-28 // Flight #SU 1483 // Flight: 4:40 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-800 VQ-BGG "Georgy Sviridov" // Ticket price: 17566.00
Equipment: A large specialized cardboard lunch box with kosher food. Everything is carefully packed several times and sealed. All the food is in sealed aluminum jars. There is always a double set of cutlery in the kosher food set, although plastic, unlike the appliances in the standard food. The food is accompanied by a certificate of kosher nutrition from the local rabbinate =) I am not Jew myself, of course, but in Aeroflot I always like to take kosher food for its quality and abundance) However , unfortunately , the trend is different in foreign airlines ) And if you fly by Aeroflot, it makes sense to take kosher =) It is also free, but at the same time much better in content, quantity and quality!