
Aeroflot (630 pictures & videos)

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Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)

Russian Federation (LED) to Russian Federation (AER), 12 Jan 2023

Economy Class

Lunch , Special meal: no
2-course hot meal to choose from: 1) Lamb with bulgur and bell pepper 2) Chicken in sour cream sauce with rice and broccoli. Cold appetizer: salad "olivier", bun "portioned", package of butter 10 g, a bag of mayonnaise "Makheev" 10 g. Dessert: gingerbread with fruit jam +sachets with sugar, salt, pepper and branded refreshing napkin.

Soft drinks: juices (orange, tomato, apple), sprite, sparkling drink "Baikal", water with gas /without gas Hot drinks: tea/coffee. Lemon and milk optional.

Catering: "AeroMar-Saint Petersburg" (Pulkovo). Due to NOTAM, the flight time increased significantly, because they made a detour over Astrakhan and the northern Caspian Sea, instead of the usual route by orthodromy. Well, the food is generally normal by and large (given the trends, and what competitors feed on similar routes). Lamb tastes much better than it looks in this photo))) The meat is soft, tender... It's a little fat, of course, but it's lamb... No sooner had the stewardess come up to us, than a 7-year-old boy in the next chair immediately yelled at the stewardess at the top of his voice: "Chicken!" :D "Olivier" salad (in Europe, this salad is usually called "Russian" or "potato") is normal, you can eat, and even delicious. The loaf is fresh and delicious. Gingerbread is also normal. Drinks are poured into unbranded cups quite generously. True, Pepsi seems to have been replaced by Baikal ...) But you won't die from it) In general, there is nothing to complain about, everything is OK and delicious)

Date added: 2023-05-21   //   Flight #SU 2814   //   Flight: 4:30   //   Aircraft: A-320-214

Equipment: hot meals were served in reusable Aeroflot dishes. And everything else was plastic, including cutlery. The cardboard cups this time were white, without any coloring and brands.

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