Air China (225 pictures & videos)
Ian C.
United States (SFO) to China (PEK), 20 Jan 2014
Economy Class
Main Course: Beef Stir Fry with White Rice.
Sides: Cubed Chilled Fruit (Watermelon, Honey Dew, Cantalope); Chicken Salad with Lettuce and Tomato; Dinner Role with Butter cup.
Dessert: Plain, Nonfat Yogurt
Choice of Water, Sodas, Juices.
Not bad of a meal. The beef stir fry was tasty and tender. The fruit was sweet and the chicken salad was good. Though it was a small portion, I didn;'t complain - the last thing I wanted was to be heading for the restroom too much.
Date added: 2014-02-01 // Flight #CA985 // Flight: 12:0 // Aircraft: 747