Air Europa (59 pictures & videos)

Spain (MAD) to Uruguay (MVD), 28 Nov 2018
Economy Class
Dinner , Special meal: no
The worst food experience of all the flights I've made. a small bread, a 7 cm diameter bowl with a piece of dessert and another 15 cm * 7 cm bowl. Amount for a lunch, but unacceptable at a dinner of a flight of 13 hours. breakfast 11 hours later: a sandwich in terrible heating conditions. plastic not suitable for heating, in my case the ink of the plastic was transferred to the bread, the whole breakfast consisted of a sandwich with chemical taste and a glass of juice without the right to repeat it.
Coca Cola
The worst food ever
Date added: 2018-12-09 // Flight #Ux45 // Flight: 14:0 // Aircraft: 332 // Ticket price: 1050.00