Air France (by Britair) (6 pictures & videos)

Julian Lorkin www.airreview.com
France (CDG) to United Kingdom (SOU), 01 Aug 2004
Economy Class
"Les Tits" triangular Crackers Au Sesame biscuits. A Bell's
whisky over ice.
(no drink)
Full marks to Britair for not only serving free alcohol on board (for a very short flight on a tiny plane) but also for the amusement value. I mean... serving up a brand of biscuits from Mont Saint Michelle called "Les Tits"! But very good they were too, and quite surprising considering that the flight was sold as a real cheapy. Not that there was much time to eat them - service started 10 minutes after takeoff - 10 minutes later the food was cleared. More of a shock was the offer of free alcohol! Alas the tiny trolley only has 4 of each type of booze, and by the time it reached me all the wine, beer, and even gin had already gone. Pretty much the only thing left was whisky. Still, not bad for a freebie.
Date added: 2009-11-18 // Flight: 00:00 // Aircraft: Canadair RJ, Tempo ( - one class only)