American Airlines (1824 pictures & videos)
marcelo rozengurt
United Kingdom (LHR) to United States (LAX), 12 Jun 2018
Business Class
Lunch , Special meal: KSML
hermolis in the uk are the worlds leading supplier of inflight kosher meals.
these meals always apear far superior to the regular meals and are always served sealed
to the passangers.
special meals get served first.
soda water baileys and champagne
Kosher food
Date added: 2018-06-16 // Flight #flight 135 // Flight: 10:50 // Aircraft: boeing 777/300 // Ticket price: 6.00
Equipment: i love the service items used in premium classes of american airlines they are nice white modern items which make me feel like dinning in a restaurant. the only thing i hate is that predeparture drinks are served in plastic glasses, and that the meals are served on trays. but one can always remove the tray if you like more space. // Other: as always on american in my experience great flight great crew great airline and the cabin crew were great and checked up on all the passangers in buisness class very rapid clearing away of dirty plates the inflight snackbar is very very good idea.