American Airlines (1824 pictures & videos)

Charles M. Kunz
Mexico (MEX) to United States (DFW), 10 Jan 2006
Business Class
Breakfast - Cheese and pepper omelet served with Canadian Bacon
and potatoes. Assorted Fruit containing grapefruit, kiwi, cantelope and
that unknown ball. Assorted breads including croissants or muffins.
Rice Krispies with optional milk and banana. Fruit including the red ball,
grapefruit, orange and honeydew.
The omelet was good and different from American's standard domestic one and the sides went quite well with it. That red ball was one of the most discusting pieces of fruit I have ever been served and I want to know what it is. The croissiants were much appreciated.
Date added: 2009-11-18 // Flight: 2:10 // Aircraft: MD-80 - N462AA // Ticket price: 130.00