Aurora (55 pictures & videos)

Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (PKC) to Russian Federation (UUS), 06 Sep 2024
Menu cards
(Menu Card)
I also photographed the menu of their paid snacks, drinks and souvenirs. Someone on board, by the way, even bought something there. The same menu and assortment are on board the A-319 on their long - lasting routes. However, it may vary depending on the place of departure and the base. On the way to Krasnoyarsk, the guy in front of me bought a bottle of Harbin beer for 400 rubles. However, he pointed out canned beer in this menu, the steward said that it was available only from Khabarovsk. And I also brought him Harbin beer, only in a green glass bottle, which is not even visible on this menu)
(no drink)
(no description)
Date added: 2024-11-04 // Flight #HZ 4620 // Flight: 1:10 // Aircraft: Bombardier Dash-8 Q400 RA-67254 70 (Y) // Ticket price: 13800.00