Belavia (60 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Belarus (MSQ) to Russian Federation (DME), 08 Oct 2018
Economy Class
Dinner , Special meal: no
Sandwich "original" of bread for toast with ham-like product, mayonnaise and lettuce leaf.
+ a bag of sugar and a brand refreshing napkin.
Before take-off carried the lollipops, took 3 pieces.
Soft drinks: drinking water with gas and without gas. Hot drinks: tea, coffee. Lemon or creamer in portion pack to choose from.
In our time well well for such distance there. Sandwich is today's meal Belavia on short segments. About sandwiches Belavia there has been a lot written. As for me, it is quite edible, especially on empty stomach ) And the taste and abundance is better than GTK Rossia and Aeroflot on many flights. And so, all is banal. The only thing is too much mayonnaise in the sandwich. Again, as soft drinks only one water instead of juices. Before take-off are lollipops. And at all I was late on the next flight, so that was nervous and on nutrition me was indefinitely generally the :)
Date added: 2019-03-11 // Flight #B2 955 // Flight: 1:0 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-300 EW-282PA // Ticket price: 139.00
Equipment: Old B-737-300, although the interior is quite decent and clean. Dixie cups in a corporate style. Replacement Board on this flight. Previous Board EW-308PA could not take off, so was replaced by EW-282PA. The plane was late for more than 3 hours, and in Moscow I was late for the next flight.