British Airways (2483 pictures & videos)

Charles M. Kunz
United Kingdom (LHR) to Italy (FCO), 01 Jan 2006
Business Class
(Menu Card)
Lunch - Chicken casserole with potatoes, parsnips, carrots and peas.
Choice of rolls (not pictured) cheese, crackers and grapes. Dessert of
two choclates. The drinks came with weird breadsticks.
Diet Coke with Lemon, Red Wine (not pictured)
This casserole was...interesting. It had this awful feature where the first bite was tasty, the second half as much as the first and by the sixth bite, you didn't want to eat any more. However, the presentation and quality of the sides were outstanding for a two hour flight.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 2:00 // Aircraft: A-319 - GEUPJ // Ticket price: 130.00