British Midland (now british airways) (173 pictures & videos)

Kevin English
United Kingdom (LHR) to United Kingdom (GLA), 31 Oct 2003
Business Class
Scrambled Egg & Bacon Panini
06:55 am early departure to Glasgow from LHR. Hot toasted sandwich. I woke up at 4:15 this day so I welcomed the hot sandwich which cabin staff served about 5 mins after take off. This was the first flight of the day to GLA and it was unbelievable that it was only about 10% full. Check in staff gave me an emergency exit seat in row 9. Loads of legroom made the flight very comfortable. When the lady who sat next to me went to the toilet, I took a picture of her tray table which shows how much legroom there was in row 9 of the A321. Note the nice bright red bmi carpet which makes the cabin look luxurious.
Date added: 2009-11-18 // Flight: 00:00 // Aircraft: A321, Y