Cathay Pacific (2036 pictures & videos)

Hong Kong (HKG) to Viet Nam (SGN), 29 Mar 2024
Economy Class
Breakfast , Special meal: no
This is a standard full breakfast served by Cathay Pacific. And yes the eggs look and taste suspicious as usual, giving one the impression that it is rehydrated powdered eggs. The chicken sausage is extremely oily. In fact, any airline leaving HKG and having catering services from Cathay Pacific Catering would have the same suspicious eggs and sausages; and usually the other option would be egg noodles and congee (carbs carbs carbs). Just as bad.
There is yogurt and cut fruit (pineapple, dragon fruit and watermelon).
Weird eggs as always coming from Cathay Pacific Catering Services in HKG
Date added: 2024-04-07 // Flight #CX767 // Flight: 3:0 // Aircraft: A330