Cathay Pacific

Cathay Pacific (2036 pictures & videos)

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Cathay Pacific



United States (LAX) to Hong Kong (HKG), 14 Jan 2020

First Class

Dinner , Special meal: no
For mid-flight snacks, CX has not changed much. The chicken Quesadilla has been a staple item in daytime LAX to HKG flight, but is also a reliable item. You can't go wrong with cheese, chicken and tortilla at 36,000ft. The shrimp noodles was a surprise win and the shrimp was really fresh. For dinner, I went to the Chinese dish, which is steamed chicken with abalone sauce. The dessert, a double chocolate tart with ice cream, was really good too. In conclusion, it was a good flight, despite the F/As skipped a few things and were still getting used to the new style.

(no drink)

Part 2: Mid-flight snack and light dinner

Date added: 2020-01-22   //   Flight #885   //   Flight: 15:40   //   Aircraft: Boeing 777-300ER