Continental Airlines (now United) (848 pictures & videos)

Italy (PEG) to Australia (MIY), 08 Jun 2005
Business Class
Pre-ordered vegetarian lunch (Menu Card)
A southwestern bean and
vegetable mix, salad, fruit, and roll with margarine.
The entree was awful. Potatoes stuck to the bottom of the serving tray. Otherwise, just mixed hot kidney beans, summer squash, and stewed tomatoes. The salad was brown on the edges. The fruit was canned quality. The roll was dry. No dessert. The meat-eaters received a brownie. I got fruit. Why do vegetarian meals seem to skip the dessert? I may not eat meat, but I still like dessert.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: Approx. 8:00 // Aircraft: coach, 767