Delta (1363 pictures & videos)

France (CDG) to United States (ATL), 04 Aug 2004
Business Class
(Menu Card)
[146] * Chicken in salsa(?), gross potatoes and unknown pile of brown
[147] * Feta Cheese, Portobello mushroom and grilled veggie appetizer
[148] * Salad with fresh chopped veggies/Balasalmic vinegar dressing.
Metal fork and spoon--plastic knife..Boo Hoo...
[149] * Brick disguised as a roll
Coffee or rather "Coffee Scented Water"
Chicken was gross/Potatoes (the orange goo) tasted like a lab experiment gone terribly wrong. Salad was the best part.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 00:00 // Aircraft: Elite , of course!! // Ticket price: 5929.00