El Al (92 pictures & videos)
Laura Sachs
Israel (TLV) to United States (JFK), 31 Jan 2017
Economy Class
Dinner , Special meal: KSML
Rice: white, plain, seasoned with something salty and studded with a few pieces of cooked carrot, maybe seasoned with MSG because it had a chinese food store smell.
Fish: white fish covered in a tomato sauce, the fish was really watery and had no bite, there was an entire huge scale in the fish, it got slightly okay after a few bites
Pickled vegetables: crunchy, vinegary, sweet, kind of overpoweringly gross
Cake: three layer- coconut macaroon top, chocolate fudge middle, dense chewy cookie bottom
(no drink)
Mehadrin Fish
Date added: 2017-08-23