El Al (92 pictures & videos)

Arkadiy Shapiro
Israel (TLV) to United States (JFK), 10 Jun 2004
Business Class
(Menu Card)
dinner - chicken with rice, raisins and some
other dryed fruit; salad with dressing, pita, fruit cake, some olive spread
water and tea
Excellent food, could barely eat everything here. Main course is just amazing and the cake - I dont remember eating something that tasty in a while. And it was not so sugary as cakes are in the US! I saved the spread and ate it at home - olives, nuts - just awesome. In a nutshell: El-Al, kol hakavod! ("great job" in hebrew)
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 11:00 // Aircraft: B747-400 or leisure trip: leisure