Emirates Air (1155 pictures & videos)

Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (DME) to United Arab Emirates (DXB), 20 Apr 2024
Economy Class
Dinner , Special meal: no
3-course hot meal to choose from: 1) Roast beef with vegetables (potatoes, carrots) and prunes, and buckwheat with mushrooms 2) Chicken with potatoes 3) Some kind of vegetarian alternative
Cold appetizer: bean salad (chickpeas, beans and something else). A bun, mini pack of "Croxton manor" cheddar cheese 20 g, serving pack of 10 g butter, 2 gallettes per pack, bag of salted pistachios.
Dessert: profiteroles with cream in chocolate chips, branded mini chocolate from Emirates.
Soft drinks: jar of drinking water included. Juices in the assortment, mineral water, cola, sprite. Hot drinks: tea, coffee. Alcoholic beverages in the assortment: white or red dry wine, beer, a large assortment of spirits in mini bottles.
Eating after midnight. Everything would be fine if it wasn't for the meal time.... Many passengers were no longer very willing to eat at this time. And considering Krasnoyarsk time +4 hours, not only did I have no appetite, but I just didn't want to take pictures anymore... I almost left you all without another photo report))) But at the last moment, I still made an effort, and forced myself to save it for the public and the story, half asleep realizing that the airline and the food are not trivial, and it would be a sin to deprive you of this spectacle... ))) Then, with great difficulty and effort, I still ate the hot stuff, salad and profiteroles (which was problematic to leave for later), and poured everything else into the backpack in full...What can I say about the food itself....? If it were at another time of the day, then maybe I would somehow appreciate it and taste it. But in that state it was clearly not up to that ...) It was and it was. It seems to be plentiful. But I wanted to sleep a lot more than I wanted to eat :) By the way, the flight attendants rather obsessively offered meals, waking up sleeping passengers. But many still, as I noticed, refused to eat. The whole download seemed to be from Dubai, but the buckwheat with mushrooms confused me. Although I noticed that they now began to adapt to a diverse client)
Date added: 2024-05-27 // Flight #EK 132 // Flight: 5:0 // Aircraft: A-380-800 A6-EER 517 seаts: 14 (F)+76 (C)+ 427 (Y) // Ticket price: 70948.00
Equipment: Large portions, reusable dishes, good service. // Other: сatering: Emirates Flight Catering (Dubai)