GB Airways (5 pictures & videos)

United States (LOZ) to Spain (LPA), 22 Mar 2003
Business Class
Snack/lunch - Chicken satay with couscous,
stuffed peppers(veggie option), pudding, chesses, bread, one segment of
a 'Terrys chocolate orange'. (Menu Card)
Champange, wine, water, coffee.
GB Airways is a BA franchise. Therefore the food would be similiar to that of BA's. I was surprised that the appetizer and entree came separately; not the usual BA Club Europe 'all on one tray' method! The Chicken was tasty. I had ordered the Lamb option for the main course. However they had run out! (Strange, as there were only 2 rows in Club class ). I , therefore, opted for the Veggie stuffed peppers option, which was a very bland and tasteless mess. The Pudding and cheeses were good.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 3:0 // Aircraft: & class: A320 /Club