Globus (operates under S7 brand) (42 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (DME) to Russian Federation (ABA), 25 Mar 2018
Economy Class
Dinner , Special meal: no
Hot meals of 3 dishes to choose from: 1) Fish in breadcrumbs with rice and green beans. 2) Chicken with pasta 3) Buckwheat with mushrooms
Cold appetizer: a jar of liver pate "Hame", melted cheese with a creamy taste of 17.5 g, a package of butter 10 g, a bun, a piece of rye bread.
Dessert: waffles in chocolate "Alenka" (Russian variation of Twix)
Soft drinks: juices (Apple, tomato, orange), drinking water with gas and without gas. Hot drinks: tea, coffee with lemon and cream on request.
Relatively abundant and you can kind of eat. Fish and rice are edible. Buckwheat with mushrooms last time they were rubbish, so it was rejected immediately. Cold appetizer was the group S7 much more abundant and varied, which can not but rejoice :) the Truth is again an Amateur (personally, I do not eat liver and liver pates :(). For a night flight is quite good. Although again, the drinks cups are too small.... Most of the photos came out poorly due to incorrect sleepily shooting mode.
Date added: 2019-02-21 // Flight #GH/S7 123 // Flight: 4:0 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-800 VP-BDH // Ticket price: 15621.00