Globus (operates under S7 brand) (42 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (DME), 22 Sep 2019
Economy Class
Breakfast , Special meal: no
Hot meal of 3 dishes to choose from: 1) Omelet with hunting sausage and vegetable mixture 2) Buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables 3) Pancakes with jam.
Cold appetizer: greek yogurt, processed cheese, bun.
Dessert: bar " Kit-Kat"
+ bags of pepper, salt, sugar and brand refreshing napkin.
Soft drinks: juices (apple, orange,tomato), cranberry juice, drinking water "snezhinskaya" with gas and without gas. Hot drinks: coffee, black and green tea. Lemon and cream optional.
Scanty, but given the early morning, this is basically enough. The omelet is tasteless and bland, the vegetable mixture is also bland, it feels like it was cooked in water without salt at all. Smoked sausage is delicious. Buckwheat so-so, 3 years ago was tasteless insipid rubbish, so I do not want it still. Drinks are plentiful, not greedy. Glasses for soft drinks and hot drinks different in volume. Soft drinks were 2 times, though the second time only water "Snezhinskaya". Summarizing: scanty, but you eat enough taking into account early morning. And many other airlines are much worse...
Date added: 2019-10-30 // Flight #GH/S7 72 // Flight: 4:50 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-800 VP-BDF // Ticket price: 14766.00