GTK Rossiya

GTK Rossiya (131 pictures & videos)

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GTK Rossiya


Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)

Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (AER), 22 Feb 2023

Economy Class

Dinner , Special meal: no
2-course hot meal to choose from: 1) Chinese-style beef with buckwheat 2) Pollock fillet with vegetables, steamed rice, with Demi glas sauce. Cold appetizer: a flight bun, piece of rye bread, package of butter 10 g. Dessert: cookies "Yenisei", 4 pcs. +bags of sugar, salt, pepper and branded refreshing napkin.

Soft drinks: "Dobriy" juices (orange, tomato, apple). "Tarhun" and "Baikal" of the trademark "Drinks from Chernogolovka" , water with gas/without gas ("Lel" judging by the label) Hot drinks: tea/coffee. Lemon and milk optional.

Catering:" AeroMEAL" CJSC (Krasnoyarsk). Krasnoyarsk loading on the ill-fated board RA-73191. The food is exactly the same as on the previous flight, only the fish turned out to be slightly salted, and the cookies were already put as many as 4 pieces, instead of 2 :) There is nothing much to add to the previous comment. Everything is delicious enough, enough to eat a little (the casalette is normal after all). They drink abundantly, generously pouring into normal large cups. Without skimping on the additive and assortment. Shortly before landing, they gave another cup of "Baikal". It was delicious, despite the modest diet for a 6.5-hour flight. But the casalette was big, normal size, that's why I was full. If the portion had been larger, with salads and snacks, then I would have added a couple more points in the assessment. And so modestly, but they compensate for this with good quality and taste.

Date added: 2023-07-02   //   Flight #FV 6875   //   Flight: 6:20   //   Aircraft: Boeing-737-800 RA-73191 "Tyumen" , or stolen VQ-BDR, 189 (Y)   //   Ticket price: 8086.00

Equipment: a good aluminum casalette, of normal size, with which you can get enough. Large paper cups in branded coloring. Paper lunch box in corporate style. Everything is disposable. RA-73191 flew mainly along this route almost every day, as well as to Irkutsk. Until a day later, on the return flight, there was an incident with a drop in cabin pressure. I was already returning back by RA-73190.   //   Other: The crew is very pleasant, attentive and responsive.

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