KLM (1098 pictures & videos)

United States (DAL) to Netherlands (AMS), 26 Oct 2013
Business Class
It was supposed to be beef with green beans and rosti. The result can be seen on the picture. It's beef with carrots and someing unidentified and tasteless. This meal was so bad that I did not eat it at all.
Red wine
I have been flying KLM business class almost every week recently. The choices are vegetarion, fish or meat. The meat choice is not very tasty in general. During a flight from Bangkok to Amsterdam I was happily surprised by a very good and tasty curry dish. All other times it was sub-par. KLM claims that their choice of meals is a result of their research, which is hard to believe.
Date added: 2013-11-01 // Flight #KL670 // Flight: 9:0