KLM (1098 pictures & videos)
Christian D.
Norway (OSL) to Netherlands (AMS), 15 Feb 2014
Economy Class
Dutch stroopwafels, price: 5 eur
Since there were only cheese sandwiches and nothing else, not even a cookie (which is very poor) I bought these stroopwafels. 5 eur for those isn't very cheap, but they were pretty good. I enjoyed my Economy Comfort seat, it was good value for the money. The crew was very friendly. As I was seated in row 3 (behind Business class) I could see what passengers in Business class got. It was a light meal: chicken, a saladleaf, corn and tomato, with a selection of hot breadrolls. I'm not sure what they got for desert. The flight was 30 minutes delayed because of the bad weather at Amsterdam airport Schiphol. Despite that, it was an enjoyable flight, and something different!
Date added: 2014-02-23 // Flight #KL1148 // Flight: 1:45 // Aircraft: Boeing 737-900 PH-BXO Skyteam livery