Korean Air (381 pictures & videos)

South Korea (ICN) to United States (JFK), 09 Mar 2014
Economy Class
Noodles with broccoli and chicken/mushrooms in savory brown sauce. Warm roll with butter. Mozzarella balls and tomatoes, mesclun greens served with balsamic/olive oil dressing. Dessert: blueberry cake with icing
White wine
A very good meal to begin the grueling almost 13-hour journey. Chicken was tender and paired well with the noodles and broccoli. Juicy tomatoes and mozzarella balls were a bit odd to pair with the noodles, but still were delicious
Date added: 2014-03-10 // Flight #81 // Flight: 12:45 // Aircraft: A380 // Ticket price: 70.00