Korean Air (381 pictures & videos)

United States (MVC) to United States (LAX), 17 Jan 2004
Business Class
[039-045] DINNER: 2 Choices: Seafood noodles or Bibimpap, traditional
Korean dish with rice, vegetables, groud beef served with hot chile paste
and sesame oil.
[046-047] BREAKFAST: 2 Choices: Fruit p (Menu Card)
It's been almost 20 years since I've flown Korean Air trans-pacific. The seat was comfortable and the food was tasty. Bibimpap is filling and good quality. Somehow, they only served juices and water during the "cocktail" service and also offered only red & white wine during the meal service. All other airlines, US or Int'l, offer a full range of drinks before and during the meal... is this a cost-cutting initiative on Korean Air's part??? Breakfast was served 2 hours before landing and the lights were turned on full bright. Good thing I was awake.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 9:30 // Aircraft: B777-200 3-class