LACSA Air (now Avianca) (7 pictures & videos)
Adan Wong
Costa Rica (SJO) to El Salvador (SAL), 02 Dec 2012
Business Class
Snack , Special meal: SPML
Just like LR 671, this flight was sold as LR and code shared with TA, but the actual plane was TA.
The snack consisted of some sort of salmon sushi with cream cheese, a mystery salad bound by mayo and some julienne veggies. There was also a cheesecake like dessert and a warm roll on the tray.
Diet Coke and water
Somehow this snack failed as an attempt at serving something with an international flair. Either you do it right or stick to something familiar and basic. The salad was indiscernible. To this day I did not know what type of meat was used (if any). A small sandwich would have been appreciated. On a bright note, service provided by the purser was top notch. Very professional and accommodating
Date added: 2012-12-08 // Flight #LR 620 // Flight: 1:0 // Aircraft: A320