Lufthansa City Line (157 pictures & videos)

Kevin English
United Kingdom (LHR) to Germany (HAM), 31 Dec 2003
Business Class
Roll with cheese and lettuce.
Apple juice + coffee.
One of the few German expressions that I know is "Shinken oder Käse" (ham or cheese). I've heard it so many times and on this flight it was no exception. I went for the cheese option and realised what a poor choice I'd made when the guy across the aisle received a ham sandwich that much almost twice as big as mine. I was even more disappointed when I opened the sandwich up because it looked totally unappetising. Not to worry, I wasn't that hungry thanks to some bran flakes in the lounge about 40 minutes earlier. Apart from this, I don't really have much to say about the flight except that the LH coffee was again of a gtood standard and the apple juice, was... well...., apple juice.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 00:00 // Aircraft: CRJ700, Y