Malaysia Airlines (973 pictures & videos)

Lachlan Burnet
United States (MLB) to Malaysia (KUL), 30 Sep 2004
Business Class
Assorted Sandwiches, Ginger Cake
Apple Juice, Tea/Coffee
Sandwiches were nice and the cake was moist and fresh. I expected the main meal to be served out of Melbourne and then a snack prior to landing in KUL, but it turned out to be the other way around. Probably better as I didn't feel like a large meal taking off from Melbourne at 12.30am! Was still a little hungry afterwards and one of the girls willingly brought me an extra sandwich. MH's service is great in my opinion!
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 7:0 // Aircraft: 747-400, 9M-MPQ "Kuala Lumpur",