Malev (128 pictures & videos)

Zoltan NAGY
Hungary (BUD) to Netherlands (AMS), 21 Apr 2003
Economy Class
Lunch - Hot baked chicken fillet with pasta
and with Hungarian-type letscho (sauce made of paprika and tomato). This
was served along with mediterranian salad and butter and bread. The main
meal was followed by creamcheese an (Menu Card)
wide selection of alcoholic and soft drinks, including coffee and tea served afterwards. I chose a quality Hungarian white wine for my meal.
As Malev provides one of the best on-board food, meal, catering among the airlines in the region, I was satisfied with the service in respect of quality and quantity as well - both the drinks and the bread was offered twice - in Economy Class.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 1:5 // Aircraft: B-737-300,