Royal Air Maroc (27 pictures & videos)

France (TLS) to Morocco (CMN), 14 Feb 2015
Economy Class
Lunch , Special meal: no
Just 1 meal choice, quarter chicken, rice, salad, roll and yogurt.
While they were cooking the meals there was not the best smell throughout the aircraft.. though I thought lets see..
Meal arrived shortly after.
The chicken was disgusting. I don't know what they put in the chicken for "flavour" but whatever it was, I've never tasted anything like it, it was sickly :/
The rice alike was not that great.
The bread roll was delicious! The salad alone was not, though combined in the roll was a nice sandwich snack :)
The coffee excellent.
FULL SIZE Coke can was nice as normally its those mini kind you are given.
Overall I would bring own food/snack next time. Glad it was just a short 2 hour flight without having to suffer 2 more meals!
Coffee & Coke
Date added: 2015-02-15 // Flight: 2:0 // Aircraft: Old, but comfy!