SATA Internacional (43 pictures & videos)

Portugal (LIS) to Portugal (PDL), 05 Mar 2006
Business Class
(Menu Card)
Sword Fish - Sword Fish with a kind of bechamel sauce on top, an
oranged mashed potatoe with some red and green peppers on the side.
Before that there was a small salad as a starter.
Bred , cheese, butter and a nice but to sweet egg puding
a gin tonic in advance and with the meal mateus white wine
Well, i do this flight from Ponta Degada to Lisbon quite often, and all that I can say is that it´s not worth for the price you pay, too expensive for a poor choice of food. this ticket was an upgrade, i woud never pay the full fare ,service was alright and one of the sterwardess was quite palite
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 2:15 // Aircraft: A310 300