Siberia Airlines (now: S7 Airlines) (33 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (DME) to Russian Federation (KJA), 30 May 2013
Economy Class
Hot: Chicken with tomato sauce and rice. Snack: 2 slices of herring with onions, 2 rings, cucumber, olive, cabbage leaf, bun, packing butter, 10 g, packing 10 g of mayonnaise . Dessert: sponge cake.
Tea, coffee (with lemon or cream at your choice). Soft drinks: Coca-Cola, sprite, drinking water, gas or without, juices "Tonus" ( Apple, orange, tomato on a choice).
The Burger was not very tasty and too porous. Drinks pouring sleepy стюардесса.Которая all the time was wrong with the order, and poured't that what you asked for.Soft drinks wore 2 times. Before the meal and an hour before landing.
Date added: 2014-01-30 // Flight #S7 71 // Flight: 4:25 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-800