Siberia Airlines (now: S7 Airlines) (33 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (OVB) to Russian Federation (LED), 25 Oct 2006
Economy Class
Cold appetizer. 3 gherkins, 2 slices of tomato with lettuce leaf, 2 green olives, 3 pieces of meat rolls of meat of different kinds, a piece of smoked salmon, green salad, a slice of lemon. A piece marinated mackerel, salad with radishes and carrots, a piece of black bread , toast of black bread with sesame seeds, packaging butter, 10 g . Dessert: Apple Tartini stuffed with Apple jam.+ portions of packing, salt, pepper, sugar and refreshing wipe "S7 Airlines"
Refreshing drinks before dinner: juices (Apple, tomato, orange), Coca-Cola, soft drinks, drinking water, gas or without gas. Hot drinks: tea, coffee with cream or lemon. An hour before landing carried drinking water with gas or without.
Despite the 4-hour flight, the food was cold. As RA-85827 former Polish machine is not equipped with a microwave to heat casaletto. Given the increased ration cold snacks. However I have had enough and it was delicious.
Date added: 2014-04-28 // Flight #S7 3339 // Flight: 4:5 // Aircraft: TU-154M RA-85827