Singapore Airlines (3192 pictures & videos)

Henning Schaefer
United States (JFK) to Germany (FRA), 11 Oct 2010
Business Class
Dinner , Special meal: VGML
- Cobb Salad (Salad of cajun spiced grilled chicken, bacon, avocado, egg, cheese, tomato and lettuce. Choice of creamy chipotle [or citrus dressing])
- Grilled shrimps and scallops in tarragon mustard sauce with leeks, carrots, and linguini
- Häagen Dasz mango sorbet with fruit salad
- Gourmet cheese with garnishes
Chateau Lacombe-Noaillac 2005
The menu was served around midnight after a 1,5 hrs delay due to severe thunderstorms. Cabin service was excellent.
Date added: 2010-10-18 // Flight #SQ25 // Flight: 7:0 // Aircraft: 744 // Ticket price: 2300.00