Thai Airways International (1260 pictures & videos)
Thailand (BKK) to Australia (MEL), 22 Nov 2010
Economy Class
1st serving: Smoked chicken salad with 3 colour elbow macaroni in light mayonnaise dressing. Main course: pan-fried chicken thigh with red capsicum sauce, roasted potato with fresh rosemary and buttered spinach. Bread with butter and cherry crumble cake.
2nd serving: Fruit salad with passion fruit sauce and yoghurt. Main course: cream mushroom omelette, pan-fried chicken sausage, lyonnaise potatoes, half baked tomato with olive oil and fresh herbs.
Croissant with butter and jam.
I could still remember that the meals were excellent. Together with impeccable service I would definitely fly again.
Date added: 2012-03-11 // Flight #TG465 // Flight: 8:50 // Aircraft: B772