Thai Airways International (1260 pictures & videos)

Saricie Kuo
Thailand (BKK) to Denmark (RKE), 05 Jun 2005
Economy Class
Appetizer - Frusilli with shrimps and capsicum with
mayonnaise balsamic dressing; Entree - Pork with eggplant in green curry
with steamed Thia jasmine rice and mixed vegetable Thai style; desert
- Rubarb flan. Rustico roll.
Red wine
With so many other airlines "downgrading" their in-flight meals, this is one of the best economy class meal I had in the past few years. The green curry entree is especially tasty. Even the appetizer and desert tasted better than most other airlines.
Date added: 2009-11-18 // Flight: 10:00 // Aircraft: 747 & // Ticket price: 28.00