Thomas Cook Airlines (35 pictures & videos)

Belize (STU) to Morocco (AGA), 08 Mar 2004
Business Class
I'm guessing Breakfast
(no drink)
What finer way could one start a journey than with a grand culinary repast and on a full stomach? Wish I could have. Meal consisted of 1) Delicately broiled potatoes probably steam reheated to remove the crispy golden brown exterior and leave a soft tasteless quasipotato, 2) something which, after much discussion, turned out to be an omlette, which when squeezed with a fork released water, placed lovingly atop 3) strained overcooked tomato - the sort used as a base for pizza sauce, topped with 4) a glop of watery spinach. On the side a dry, tasteless bun and jam, a package of ryebread (vollkornbrot), a couple slices of cheese (gouda) and some meat slices. Additionally one yoghourt, which now that I look at the photo, and considering it's 2004, perhaps I shouldn't have eaten. All in all, not one of the better airline meals I've had. The watery spinach, and watery omelette were the least appetizing part.
Date added: 2009-11-18 // Flight: 3.5:00 // Aircraft: Airbus something