TransAero (108 pictures & videos)
Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)
Russian Federation (DME) to Russian Federation (KJA), 05 Sep 2012
Economy Class
Seafod SFML , Special meal: SFML
Special food, sea food (SFML). Hot meals: Fish in sour cream sauce, fish and green beans. 2 slices of black bread, 3 pieces of different varieties of cheese, a piece of celery, 2 grapes, olives, a slice of tomato and ring cucumber, cabbage salad. A piece of salted salmon, lemon, lettuce, a sprig of parsley, a bag of mayonnaise "Provansal" 10,+ bags of salt, pepper, sugar and refreshing wipe TRANSAERO.
Soft drinks: juices, Apple, orange, tomato, sprite, Coca-Cola, drinking water, gas or without. An hour before landing again wore the sprite and drinking water. I took the Apple juice and sprite, an hour before landing again sprite. Hot drinks: Coffee, tea
Ordered was special food-sea food. Quite good and plentiful food. Given the still night flight, I had had enough.
Date added: 2014-03-18 // Flight #UN 157 // Flight: 4:10 // Aircraft: Boeing-737-700 EI-EUZ // Ticket price: 14430.00