Turkish Airlines (1289 pictures & videos)

Saricie Kuo
Turkey (IST) to Thailand (BKK), 30 Jul 2005
Economy Class
Salad: shredded carrot and cucumber; Entree: Cold
cut plate with ham, smoked fish and potato salad; Desert: something made
from sweet potato.
Turkish red wine and coffee
Cold cut plate for dinner? They really try to cut their cost, didn't they? The salad tasted quite bad but the desert (sweet potato ball?) tatsed quite good. Those cold-cut meat was okay. However, I was not in mood to have a cold meal for dinner. The Turkish red wine (in the small bottle) was decent.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: about 9 and 1/2:00 // Aircraft: Airbus 340 &