Turkish Airlines (1289 pictures & videos)
Russian Federation (VKO) to Turkey (IST), 27 Jun 2016
Economy Class
Lunch , Special meal: no
Beef/pasta, hummus, vanilla creme.
Water is always provided, no need to ask.
The homemade lemonade was a bit sour.
I don't generally like hummus but it was okay.
The pasta was good, not spicy at all.
orange/tomato juice, lemonade, fizzy drinks, ayran, tea/coffee, alcohol
surprisingly good
Date added: 2016-07-23 // Flight #tk414 // Flight: 2:40 // Aircraft: a321 // Ticket price: 12500.00
Equipment: Brand new plane! Great personal infoscreens. The food containers/utensils were really good. // Other: It was a bit annoying how the flight map always displayed a straight line from the current location to the destination.