
United (1696 pictures & videos)



Max F.

United States (PSN) to United States (LAX), 17 Jul 2004

Business Class

(Menu Card)
Dinner Stead, mashed potatoes/baked with cheese, scallions (I think,) a variety of other vegetables, chocolate mousse cake with cookies and fudge on the top, and 2 Eclipse mints.


This was the best meal I had in a long time. Everything was delicious. The steak was a little rare, which I don't like rare meat, but it was delicious. I don't eat vegetables, but I tried some of them and gave the rest to my father. The baked/mashed potato was kind of cheap because it was like mashed potatoes filled into a shell of a potato and then cheese sauce on it. It was pretty good actually, but I thought it was kind of cheap. The cake was delicious it made the meal even better.

Date added: 2008-05-21   //   Flight: 4:9   //   Aircraft: B744

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