
United (1696 pictures & videos)

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Warren A. Bechtel

China (PVG) to Mexico (LOM), 29 Jan 2004

Business Class

Lunch / Midflight Snack / Light Supper image 468 - to begin Smoked salmon timbale with lemon aioli Capers, olives and fresh lemon image 469- main course Filet mignon with a caramelized shall (Menu Card)

(no drink)

A truly delightful flight; because of the lunar New Year celebration the plane departed Shanghai with less than 100 passengers aboard. There were only six of us sitting on the Top Deck of the 747-400, which allowed for a gracious meal and very attentive service in-flight. This flight was one of the very few I have taken where 12+ hours seemed all too-short of a time to spend on-board

Date added: 2008-05-21   //   Flight: 12:35   //   Aircraft: 747-400

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