
United (1696 pictures & videos)

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Chasen Richardson

United States (SFO) to United States (HNL), 23 Aug 2010

First Class

Breakfast , Special meal: no
Another typical domestic F breakfast experience on pre-merger United, with this and a fruit bowl being the most common options for flights long enough for a hot meal breakfast service. On a recent post about the same breakfast on an SFO-OGG flight, I went into more detail. But as you can see from the closer photos, the breakfast was rather dried out and everything was overcooked. However, the croissant was almost always good, the portions were great (especially for shorter flights), and the fruit was usually fresh enough. So I was always happy to end up in first class and be fed all of this food on board, especially when I had an empty seat next door to use as a dining table. But thankfully UA's catering is phenomenally better today.

Mai Tai

Sterotypical UA breakfast from the 90s-2010s; Egg and Cheese Omlette with country fried potatoes and sausage served with a croissant, yogert, and a small fruit bowl.

Date added: 2023-12-28   //   Flight #72   //   Flight: 5:20   //   Aircraft: 777-200


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