
United (1696 pictures & videos)

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John Beauchamp

United States (SFO) to United States (JFK), 01 Sep 2004

Business Class

(Menu Card)
Lunch TO BEGIN: Shrimp and smoked salmon with champagne vegetable slaw, dill mayonnaise and fresh lemon. Windy city salad with Kalamata olives and Parmesan cheese and Balsamic Dijon vinaigrette. MAIN COURSE: Thai BBQ chicken with brown rice and vegetable and mushroom mixture. DESSERT: Eli's cheesecake, Bailey's on the rocks, coffee.


Delicious appetizer as usual. Very tasty and still juicy chicken dish. Cheesecake was awesome. Finally, I really love the warm mixed nuts and cocktail right after take-off.

Date added: 2008-05-21   //   Flight: 5.5:00   //   Aircraft: Boeing 767-300ER (upgrade w/ miles)

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