United (1696 pictures & videos)

Seoung-Jun Lee
Australia (SOI) to United States (SAN), 08 Sep 2003
Business Class
Appitizer: mini shrimp with cucumber Kimche and a slice of tomato
Main: Bulgogi-Korean marinated beef with sprinkles of green onions on
top, green veggie, and steamed rice.
Dessert: Somewhat coffee flavored cake.
Others: Dinner roll with butter, and salad with thousand island dressing
Everything you want! Thry even served green tea afterwards, which was very nice!
Very impressive! I was very glad to have tasty Korean dish served by very friendly Korean flight attandent, and again, green tea service was very nice. Cake was little disappointing, though. Also, beef was little too hard to chew.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: approximily 10:00 // Aircraft: B777-200, United trip