Virgin Express (29 pictures & videos)

Luigi Vallero
Belgium (CRL) to Myanmar (PRU), 23 Mar 2004
Economy Class
Dinner - A seafood assortment comprising shrimps,
tiger shrimps, crayfish tails, smoked salmon and gravadlax (marinated
salmon), a fresh garden salad (lettuce, radicchio, rocket, frisee) with
oil and balsamico dressing. (Menu Card)
a mini bottle of Evian water.
On my return trip I had provided to order my "fruits de mer" dinner at the Alpha D'lish website (www.alphadlish.com). Again the "lunch box" was presented at my seat by one of the flight attendants during the flight, together with a warm roll. Food quality and quantity was perfectly adequate, with all ingredients being fresh and tasty, comparable to a business class meal. Pricing too was adequate, having paid 12.45EUR. A very good initiative and a good way to customize your inflight experience.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 1:5 // Aircraft: B737-300